“I didn’t mean to start this fire and neither did you.”
Recent Posts

Illegitimi Non Carborundum
This random blathering is about something else, although related to *gesticulates wildly at everything* world events, and that is how do we get through the next four years (and longer, ‘cos it will take years to repair the damage the felon is wreaking/going to wreak)?

Misdirected Vitriol?
Recently, on a website that shall not be named, I was (searches for good wording) set upon and targeted by what I can only describe as misdirected vitriol.

Why Some of Us Have to Drive an SUV
The header photo is our car – a Renault Austral Iconic Esprit Alpine (what a mouthful!) SUV. A small or

My Photography Lives Here Too
Sample of landscape and garden photos from 2024.

I’m Going Back to School
I’m going back to school to get my degree at age 64.

NHS Gatekeeping and Other Madness
I love the NHS (National Health Service for you non-Brits). Free at point of delivery healthcare. Zero bankruptcies from medical debt. But, and it’s a big but, it does have its problems.